Our Blog

Check out our blog for the latest news and views from across our network.

Manston camp like a pressure cooker

There have been reports in the media that people are being held at the Manston short-term holding facility in Kent beyond the 24-48 hours with some people staying there for a week. The Prison Officers Association has described [...]

2022-10-07T13:50:32+00:00October 7th, 2022|

Next National Demonstration – No to Hassockfield

The next national demonstration against the new detention centre at Hassockfield (Derwentside) will be held 12-2pm on Saturday 15th October 2022 outside the centre. Their speakers will be those with lived experience and they have music from, amongst [...]

2022-10-07T13:06:35+00:00October 7th, 2022|

Keep Haslar closed

Just after the sad news that the Home Office intends to re-open Campsfield detention centre, we've just heard the bleak news that they are now planning to re-open the Haslar detention centre in Gosport, Hampshire. After years of [...]

2022-09-27T08:11:13+00:00September 27th, 2022|

National Protest against Derwentside IRC (Hassockfield)

Our friends in the North East are organising another national protest against the new detention centre in Derwentside - previously known as Hassockfield. It will be held on Saturday 15th October 2022 at midday - and this time [...]

2022-09-15T12:41:00+00:00September 15th, 2022|

The cost of immigration detention

We thought that it was helpful to highlight a recent Parliamentary question asked by Alison Thewliss MP of Simon Baynes MP, the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State at the Home Office/ Ministry of Justice. She asked him how much [...]

2022-09-14T11:45:04+00:00September 14th, 2022|

Joint letter to stop accommodation centres

We were very happy recently to add our collective name to the joint inter-agency letter, co-ordinated by Asylum Matters, calling on the Home Secretary and the Defence Secretary to to scrap all plans for asylum accommodation centres, following [...]

2022-08-23T07:40:47+00:00August 23rd, 2022|

Keep Campsfield Closed

As we blogged last month, we deplore the decision of the government to re-open the Campsfield immigration centre in Kidlington, north of Oxford. The Coalition to Keep Campsfield Closed has been launched, and do check out their website [...]

2022-08-25T07:20:31+00:00August 22nd, 2022|

There is an alternative

One of our members, Ben and Jerry's, recently added a new blog post on their site. It is an excellent post and well worth a read. It is focussed on a project which has just come to an [...]

2022-08-16T13:29:39+00:00August 16th, 2022|

Linton camp not going ahead

At our last members' meeting we heard from the Linton-on-Ouse Action Group on their campaign to stop the opening of a new accommodation centre for people seeking asylum at RAF Linton. This was a group of local people [...]

2022-08-12T10:27:11+00:00August 12th, 2022|
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