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We are a network of over 50 independent organisations across the UK committed to working together to challenge the use of immigration detention.

We want to end immigration detention because it is unjust and inhumane.

New damning report on Harmondsworth Detention Centre

July 10th, 2024|

The report on the Harmondsworth Immigration Removal Centre was published by HM Inspector of Prisons yesterday and it was said that inspectors returning to this detention centre found the worst conditions that they have ever found in immigration detention. This [...]

Detention Forum conference

July 1st, 2024|

We held our first in person conference at Detention Forum in five years last month, and it was so energising to bring our network and partners together. We met at the Amnesty Human Rights Action Centre in London and we [...]

New detention report by JRS UK

May 17th, 2024|

The Jesuit Refugee Service UK has recently published a new report, After Brook House: continued abuse in immigration detention, revealing that patterns of mistreatment detailed by the high-profile Independent Inquiry into events at Brook House Immigration Removal Centre (IRC) are [...]

Our latest tweets

As @Right_to_Remain says, there was some good news in the King's Speech.
But no solutions were proposed to some of the most glaring problems in the UK asylum & immigration system. Instead, only recycled policies have been rebranded, as opposed to addressing core issues.

Oppression is ingrained in our immigration systems. Tackling the racism of the #HomeOffice cannot be achieved through simple reform.
The new Government should dismantle these cruel structures and take a bold, transformative stance with migrant justice at the heart of policy.

The same failed cycle of rehashed policies that ruin lives & achieve nothing but making private contractors that run our border industry rich, on loop forever 🙄

The UK asylum system must not be run for profit.
As @IPPR says, without significant reforms the cycle of poor housing and financial [mis]management will continue to the detriment of both ppl seeking asylum and the public purse.

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