Unlocking Detention shone a spotlight on the hidden world of immigration detention. This ‘virtual tour’ of the immigration detention estate used Twitter, Facebook and a website to ‘unlock’ the gates of immigration detention centres.
Each week, Unlocking Detention ‘visited’ one of the UK’s detention centres. We heard from people who had been detained there, volunteer visitors, NGOs, campaigners and the families, friends, neighbours and communities over whom detention cast its long shadows.
We started Unlocking Detention back in 2014 and it ran for 6 years. While we no longer run this campaign with its dedicated website, it has left a powerful legacy of the impact of immigration detention. We have archived the key information, and we are now proud to continue to make it accessible via our website.
“Do you know what immigration detention is?” Part 2 Told by Mrs A, expert-by-experience
Yesterday, we published part 1 of Mrs A's contribution to Unlocking Detention, submitted by her solicitor at Duncan Lewis. In part 2 of her blog, Mrs A continues to describe [...]
#Unlocked17: A beginners’ level quiz
The first week of #Unlocked17 is a gentle introduction to the rest of the tour and we will be sharing with you some basic information about immigration detention centres. First, [...]
Welcome to #Unlocked17!
Hello, and welcome back to Unlocking Detention! This year’s Unlocking Detention, #Unlocked17, marks our fourth virtual tour of the UK immigration detention estate. And it starts at a moment of [...]
Stand up against immigration detention! Join Unlocking Detention’s ‘selfie’ campaign!
During the Unlocking Detention tour, why not speak out against immigration detention? A simple way of doing this is to tweet us a selfie of you holding up one of the [...]
#Unlocked16 Reflection Special – (6)
To mark the end of this year’s Unlocking Detention tour, we asked a selection of activists, legal commentators, politicians, journalists and experts-by-experience – all engaged in the fight against detention [...]
#Unlocked16 Reflection Special – (5)
To mark the end of this year’s Unlocking Detention tour, we asked a selection of activists, legal commentators, politicians, journalists and experts-by-experience – all engaged in the fight against detention [...]
What does detention mean to you?
Throughout Unlocking Detention, we've asked people via Twitter, Facebook, and at the workshops we've run across the UK, to draw an image in response to the question "What does detention [...]
#Unlocked16 Reflection Special – (4)
To mark the end of this year’s Unlocking Detention tour, we asked a selection of activists, legal commentators, politicians, journalists and experts-by-experience – all engaged in the fight against detention [...]
#Unlocked16 Reflection Special – (3)
To mark the end of this year’s Unlocking Detention tour, we asked a selection of activists, legal commentators, politicians, journalists and experts-by-experience – all engaged in the fight against detention [...]
#Unlocked16 Reflection Special – (2)
To mark the end of this year’s Unlocking Detention tour, we asked a selection of activists, legal commentators, politicians, journalists and experts-by-experience – all engaged in the fight against detention [...]
#Unlocked16 Reflection Special – (1)
To mark the end of this year's Unlocking Detention tour, we asked a selection of activists, legal commentators, politicians, journalists and experts-by-experience - all engaged in the fight against detention [...]
Week 9: #Unlocked16 visits Dungavel
This was the final week that Unlocking Detention 2016 visited a specific detention centre, ahead of the round-up final week next week. And the final visit went to Dungavel, Scotland's [...]