
The national shame that is healthcare in UK immigration detention

This article by Phil Miller and Clare Sambrook is from Open Democracy.  Image: painting by Lucy Edkins from Mental Health in Immigration Detention Action Group Initial Report December 2013. Four years ago G4S was involved in the unlawful [...]

2022-10-06T09:34:22+00:00October 13th, 2014|

What is it like being a local campaign group?

Campaign to Close Campsfield is a campaign group based in Oxford which has been calling for a closure of Campsfield House Immigration Removal Centre for many years.  They are one of the members of the Detention Forum.  We [...]

2022-10-06T09:35:06+00:00October 8th, 2014|

Immigration detention in the media: Anarchy and ambivalence

This article by Melanie Griffiths originally appeared in Open Democracy's #unlocked series. Alongside calls for the reduction or ending of immigration detention, we must demand more balanced coverage from our media. Melanie Griffiths reports on two decades of [...]

2022-10-06T09:35:51+00:00October 7th, 2014|

A crisis of harm in immigration detention

This article was written by Jerome Phelps of Detention Action, a member of the Detention Forum.  The article first appeared in Open Democracy on 15 September. A young Guinean woman has become the sixth victim in three years [...]

2022-10-06T09:36:39+00:00October 6th, 2014|

Migrant vs. non-migrant: Two tier policing

This article was written by Rita Chadha of RAMFEL (Refugee and Migrant Forum of Essex and London), a member of the Detention Forum. The article was originally published in Open Democracy as part of the #unlocked series.   [...]

2022-10-06T09:37:17+00:00October 6th, 2014|

Living outside the fence: Story of Haslar

By Charlie Leddy-Owen, University of Portsmouth. When visiting Haslar Immigration Removal Centre (IRC) for the first time I was struck by the pleasantness of the local area. Haslar’s western boundary adjoins a residential neighbourhood of detached and semi-detached [...]

2022-10-06T09:39:31+00:00October 1st, 2014|

Too many laws, not enough justice: A voice from Haslar

We received this blog entry from Henry who is in Haslar Immigration Removal Centre. My name is Henry, aged 53, and though of Nigerian and Sierra Leonean mixed parentage, I have spent the last 31 years of my [...]

2022-10-06T09:39:10+00:00September 29th, 2014|

“As the weeks pass their demeanour changes”

Refugee Action are members of the Detention Forum and used to provide advice about assisted return to people in detention, before the Home Office withdrew the contract.  These are some of the experiences of one of their caseworkers. [...]

2022-10-06T09:40:45+00:00September 23rd, 2014|

Detained at the UK border: Mould, cat calls and barbed wire

Ali McGinley of AVID - a member of the Detention Forum - writes for the #Unlocked series in Open Democracy on detention in short-term holding facilities. Key statutory instruments governing the use of detention do not apply to [...]

2022-10-06T09:42:05+00:00September 22nd, 2014|

Kuka on the Parliamentary Inquiry

Image courtesy of Freed Voices This post was written by Ivo Kuka, who has experienced immigration detention.  His testimony was provided for Detention Action's forthcoming annual report. In 2008, the Independent Asylum Commission did an assessment of the UK’s [...]

2022-10-06T09:42:46+00:00September 17th, 2014|
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