Our blog

Our blog2022-10-03T12:08:28+00:00

Check out our blog for the latest news and views from across our network.

Short-term Holding Facilities Report

HM Inspector of Prisons recently undertook an unannounced inspection of short-term holding facilities in the UK. Their report is well worth a look. And in particular, it is worth looking [...]

By |May 30th, 2023|Comments Off on Short-term Holding Facilities Report

Our view on the so-called ‘Illegal Migration Bill’

Our grassroots campaigning working group met recently. In addition to discussing our new campaign on a supportive environment - a compassionate and practical alternative to immigration detention, we also discussed [...]

By |May 26th, 2023|Comments Off on Our view on the so-called ‘Illegal Migration Bill’

Campaign win

With all of the bleakness at the moment around the current Refugee Ban Bill, we were keen to share news of a campaign win from one of our members. Our [...]

By |April 14th, 2023|Comments Off on Campaign win

Napier Barracks – the inhumane reality

As the Illegal Migration Bill progresses at haste through Parliament, a new report by our friends at the Jesuit Refugee Service shines a unique light onto the asylum system, particularly [...]

By |March 29th, 2023|Comments Off on Napier Barracks – the inhumane reality

Detention proposals in the new migration Bill

Further to our post last week about the Government's plans for asylum and immigration, and the robust response from the UNHCR, there has now been the second reading of the [...]

By |March 16th, 2023|Comments Off on Detention proposals in the new migration Bill

Extinguishing the right to asylum

It was incredibly sobering to hear the Government’s announcement this week on migration. Putting aside their use of language, calling people ‘illegal migrants’, when so many of them are people [...]

By |March 9th, 2023|Comments Off on Extinguishing the right to asylum

Response to attack on Knowsley hotel

The Detention Forum was proud to be one of 180 groups which have signed an open letter to leaders of all parties in response to the attack on Friday 10th February [...]

By |February 15th, 2023|Comments Off on Response to attack on Knowsley hotel

Valentine’s Day Campaign Action

Our friends at Women for Refugee Women and the End Detention group, the lived experience group of women with experience of immigration detention, are taking action this Valentine’s Day! Valentine’s [...]

By |February 14th, 2023|Comments Off on Valentine’s Day Campaign Action

Amendment to short-term holding facility rules

Our friends at the Refugee Council recently highlighted that the government has quietly changed the rules on detention following the Manston crisis a month or so ago - extending lawful detention [...]

By |January 12th, 2023|Comments Off on Amendment to short-term holding facility rules

Damning report on Hassockfield Detention Centre

This month we saw the publication of a damning report by His Majesty's Inspector of Prisons following an unannounced visit he had made to Hassockfield detention centre (now called the [...]

By |December 23rd, 2022|Comments Off on Damning report on Hassockfield Detention Centre

Rise in people detained -but there is an alternative!

It was sobering to see the reports in the press recently highlighting the fact that the number of people detained in immigration detention facilities increased sharply in the last year. [...]

By |December 20th, 2022|Comments Off on Rise in people detained -but there is an alternative!

New report on GPS tagging

BID, Medical Justice and Public Law Project have just published research – Every move you make: the human impact of GPS tagging in immigration bail – documenting the harm caused [...]

By |November 9th, 2022|Comments Off on New report on GPS tagging
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