Monthly Archives: November 2015

Stop Campsfield Expansion: a victory worth celebrating

This blog post was written by Bill MacKeith for Unlocking Detention.  Bill is a founding member of the Campaign to Close Campsfield. This month marks the 22nd anniversary of the opening of Campsfield detention centre, an occasion that [...]

2022-10-05T20:15:07+00:00November 2nd, 2015|

A visitor’s view of Campsfield

Campsfield House is widely considered one of the 'better-run' IRCs and the last report by HMIP, the official inspection body, vouched for this. Most people detained there, who have experienced other IRCs, like Harmondsworth or Brook House, agree [...]

2022-10-05T20:16:05+00:00November 2nd, 2015|
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